Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Morning Quick Hits

Item 1: Go Mavericks.

Seriously, it's been a long time since we had a championship in any sport here in Dallas. The Rangers and FC Dallas made it to their respective finals last year, but neither could quite get there in the end. I admit, I'm not the biggest sports fan in the world, but it's difficult not to be happy for the team and the city as a whole. Even though I live in the suburbs.

Item 2: Go Mavericks.

Sorry, I just thought it bore repeating.

Item 3: Mythbusters.

Last Wednesday, my almost-eight-year-old son told me that he wanted to be a Mythbuster when he grew up. For that, he gets to stay up late and watch them every week now. I've never been so proud of him as I was at that moment. He's going to need a lot of lessons on firearms safety, though.

That's enough for now, I think. Back to work!

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